Cybercheck: cuidado con los riesgos de la cadena de suministro | Noticia

On September 16, 2024, a significant announcement was made regarding the importance of cybersecurity in the Netherlands, particularly concerning the awareness of risks that organizations face within their supply chains. This is especially pertinent for public and private organizations that hold «Protected Interests» related to National Security, abbreviated as PI-NS (TBB-NV in Dutch). To assist these organizations in mitigating potential risks, several key agencies—including the General Intelligence and Security Service (AIVD), the Central Information Office of Rijk (CIO Rijk), the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), and the National Coordinator for Counterterrorism and Security (NCTV)—collaborated to create Cybercheck. This guide is designed to help organizations identify risks in their supply chains that may arise from using products and services sourced from countries that have offensive cyber programs.

In recent years, there has been an increasing awareness of the risks associated with products and services from these countries. This concern stems from the fact that certain nations can require local companies and citizens to cooperate through legislation. This cooperation may, for example, mandate the integration of «digital backdoors» into their products or services, which could allow foreign governments unauthorized access to critical parts of the technical infrastructure used by organizations in the Netherlands. Such breaches could potentially impact not only the organizations involved but also pose a significant threat to national security.

The Cybercheck guide emphasizes the necessity of identifying and managing supply chain risks to ensure a secure digital environment for both organizations and Dutch society as a whole. It provides organizations with the necessary tools to assess the security risks associated with using specific products or services from countries with aggressive cyber agendas. Should an organization identify an increased risk, the guide advises conducting a more detailed risk analysis. Cybercheck also contains recommendations for carrying out this supplementary analysis, allowing organizations to better understand and address the risks that stem from the use of at-risk products or services.

It is crucial to note that Cybercheck serves as a resource rather than a directive. The guide does not dictate whether organizations should or should not utilize particular products and services. Ultimately, the responsibility for decisions regarding the use of products and services from countries with offensive cyber capabilities lies with the leadership of each organization. They must weigh the risks presented against their operational needs and security obligations.

In summary, this announcement underscores the collective effort of Dutch agencies to bolster national security through improved awareness and risk management in the supply chain. Organizations are encouraged to utilize the Cybercheck framework to investigate the potential implications of their operational decisions. By taking proactive measures, organizations can contribute to a more secure digital landscape in the Netherlands. As cyber threats continue to evolve and become more complex, understanding these risks and implementing appropriate safeguarding strategies will be essential for maintaining the integrity and safety of national interests.

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