Notificación de contenido de soporte: portal de soporte

The content describes the processes for obtaining technical and non-technical support for a product or service.

Technical Support

For technical issues related to products or services, the steps to follow are:

  1. Select "Técnico": By choosing this option, users will be redirected to a page that outlines their rights.
  2. Expand the Product: Users should identify and expand the product they need help with to specify the issue.
  3. Select the Case Icon: The next step is to click on the icon associated with their case in the designated column.
  4. Access the Relevant Portal: Upon selecting the case icon, users will be redirected to the appropriate supplier portal. This portal is where they can submit their technical request.

Non-Technical Support

For non-technical assistance, which includes issues such as accessing the portal, managing license keys, or downloading software, the following steps should be taken:

  1. Select "No Técnico": This option redirects users to the case management portal of Broadcom, where they can seek help for non-technical concerns.

In summary, the content clearly delineates how to access the appropriate support depending on whether the issue is technical or non-technical, providing a straightforward guide to users in need of assistance.

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